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Is the following statement true?

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Presentation on theme: "Is the following statement true?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is the following statement true?
CentriFgal Force? Is the following statement true? 6 January 2K + 5

2 Stronger Than Gravity SCIENCE CONCEPT: Is there any force that can defy gravity? Actually, yes! Centrifugal force pushes objects that are moving in a circular path towards the outside of that path, keeping them moving in a circle.   TRY THIS: To demonstrate centrifugal force for students, place a tennis ball (or other light, harmless object) into a plastic bucket. Ask students what will happen when you turn the bucket upside down. The ball will fall out, of course. Why? Gravity! Now say you will show them a force that can actually defy gravity, called centrifugal force. Have students each take turns holding the bucket and swinging it around in a vertical circle so that the object stays in on each swing. Explain that this force is the same force they feel pushing them to one side when riding in a car or on a bike that takes a sharp curve.

3 Is there any force that can defy gravity? Actually, yes!
Stronger Than Gravity Science Concept: Is there any force that can defy gravity? Actually, yes! Centrifugal force pushes objects that are moving in a circular path towards the outside of that path, keeping them moving in a circle.

4 To demonstrate centrifugal force for students, place a tennis ball
TRY THIS To demonstrate centrifugal force for students, place a tennis ball into a plastic bucket. Ask students what will happen when you turn the bucket upside down.

5 Now say you will show them a force that can actually defy gravity,
The ball will fall out. Why? Gravity! Now say you will show them a force that can actually defy gravity, called centrifugal force. Fearth on ball

6 so that the object stays in
Have students each take turns holding the bucket and swinging it around in a vertical circle so that the object stays in on each swing.

7 Explain that this force is the same force they feel
pushing them to one side when riding in a car or on a bike that takes a sharp curve.

8 That’s all folks!

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