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Lesson 5: Dred Scott Decision

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1 Lesson 5: Dred Scott Decision
Goal 1) Students should be able to mark the text and take notes on Dred Scott’s life and Supreme Court case Scott v. Sanford, 1857. Goal 2) Students should be able to produce group notes on their assigned section to share with the class.

2 Brain Burner Entry #5 Scenario: We are in 1859 United States. A slave moves from a slave state to a free state with his owner. He argues that he is now free. Question: From your understanding of the US Constitution do you think he is now free? (Note: The US did not have the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment)

3 Vocab: Standing: harm done to a person the court can solve
Missouri Compromise: 1820 law allowing Missouri into the US as a slave state, Maine as a free state, and drawing a boundary line to keep slavery in the South. This kept the balance of power even between free states and slave states.

4 Dred Scott Activity Step 1: Get into Six Groups—3 Minutes
Step 2: Sit together to read, mark the text, take notes on white board or on a sheet of paper to place under the document camera. You will write the notes in your notebook as well.—20 Minutes Step 3: Share notes with class in a short presentation.—15 Minutes

5 Assigned Texts Groups 1--Pink Text—Dred Scott’s Life
Group 2—Green Text— “The Decision” Group 3—Green Text— “Reception and Significance” 4—Pink Text—Dred Scott’s Life Group 5 —Green Text— “The Decision” Group 6—Green Text— “Reception and Significance”

6 Lesson 5 Continued Goal: Students should be able tell the story of the Dred Scott decision that includes its impact.

7 Share with the Class Get back into your group from Friday
You were instructed to write the names of people in your group at the top of your page. Take turns sharing notes under document camera

8 Exit Ticket: Summarize the Dred Scott Decision
Write a five sentence summary of the Dred Scott decision.

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