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Welcome, thank you and helpful tips!Let’s Get Started…

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome, thank you and helpful tips!Let’s Get Started…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome, thank you and helpful tips!Let’s Get Started…
Class Coordinator Training Welcome, thank you and helpful tips!Let’s Get Started… These slides are a welcome, a thank you and some helpful tips for being a Class Coordinator! (sometime referred to as the CC)

2 Tools and references for your job as Class Coordinator (CC):
Let’s Get Started… Thank you for volunteering! First, we would like to thank you for volunteering your time to serve the community in such a meaningful way. Tools and references for your job as Class Coordinator (CC): This training course Website for documents you will use Class Coordinator Manual (also on the website) The Chapter President for enrollment issues and the Class Coordinator Liaison for everything else Thank you for volunteering your time to serve the community in such a meaningful way. We hope you will find this a rewarding experience in working with your child, your group and the community. We have tried to make learning and understanding your job as Class Coordinator a smooth process. Please access the website for documents you will use, this online training class as well as asking the Chapter President about any enrollment questions and the Class Coordinator Liaison for any other questions. This first module will give you helpful tips and guidance that are not found in the Class Coordinator’s Manual, as well as suggestions that have helped other Class Coordinator over the years that you may find useful.

3 Class Coordinator Training Course
Let’s get started… Class Coordinator Training Course The course is set up as a slide show with a short assessment after each module Click on the bottom right arrow to get to the next slide After completing each module, click on the Assessment tab at the top right of the page to take the assessment If you select an incorrect answer, an explanation will be provided Course must be passed with 100% result Modules and assessments can be repeated After you take the course, the Class Coordinator manual is always available on the website To make your job easier as a Class Coordinator, we have created this instructional course to give you the framework of your job. All information is based on the Class Coordinator manual, with the most updated version found on the website. After each module there is an assessment to make sure you have a clear understanding of that portion of the module. After you have taken the course and begun your tenure as a Class Coordinator, remember to always refer to the Class Coordinator Manual. After you refer to your manual, if you still have questions or need further clarification on an issue, contact the Class Coordinator Liaison.

4 Let’s Get Started… Mission Statement: Lion’s Heart is a community service organization for teens dedicated to serving the community in meaningful and fun ways Not a fundraising organization Time and service is our contribution No soliciting Members or Member’s families for money or purchases This is one of the most difficult adjustments Members have since most are accustomed to only fundraising as their service to the community Service ideas come from Members, other CC, Lion’s Heart blasts, local newspapers, and internet searches Find ways to MAKE your Member’s bring ideas to meetings. This is why groups meet! Be clear that finding service opportunities is part of the Member’s responsibility – it is not the CC role The CC provides guidance to her group, however, the Members are responsible to find and follow through with service ideas for their group It is important to remember the Lion’s Heart Mission statement and that we are not a fundraising organization. However, Members can volunteer at fundraising events put on by others. One of the biggest questions that comes up is “where do service ideas come from? ” Members are responsible for bringing service ideas to the group. This is why the groups meet! The Class Coordinator helps them find ways and encourages them to bring ideas – for instance, by requiring each Member to bring one or two ideas to the group during the year, and following through with the idea. If Members have ideas for their group, the CC can “assign” them to members as project managers. Sometimes it works to put Members in teams to come up with something for the group.

5 The Members are responsible for planning and running their meetings
Let’s Get Started … The Members are responsible for planning and running their meetings The CC is at each meeting to facilitate order and provide guidance After the first few meetings the officers should complete tasks on their own The CC should require respectful behavior during meetings and at service functions Don’t feel responsible to drive Members to all of the service events. Get other parents involved by asking for help! Example: The Member who brings the service idea should arrange for drivers – usually this will be their parent All group service functions should have a parent supervisor Class Coordinators should foster Member-run meetings. The Class Coordinator will need to provide more guidance and direction at the beginning, but eventually the Members should know what to do. Every year, it is helpful to remind Members of their roles and responsibilities at the first meeting. Respectful behavior is required for successful meetings and service functions. There is a discipline policy for those Members who violate this requirement. Parent involvement is minimal but still necessary in Lion’s Heart. It is not the Class Coordinator's responsibility to be at all functions. Parents of Members need to assist, participate and oversee service events for the group and help maintain respectful behavior.

6 General Meeting Tips Let’s Get Started … Minimize distractions
Collect cell phones prior to getting started Snacks served at the end of the meeting Begin the meeting promptly and allow time after meeting is concluded for socializing Utilize Roberts Rules of Order (more explanation in later modules) Meetings will flow more orderly Provides a way for all Members to be able to speak without interruption Example: Provide a speaking tool – whomever wants to speak is given this item which means it is their turn to speak Do not allow kids to tell others to “shut up.” Insist on mutual respect! Rotate the meeting location to as many Member’s homes as possible Most groups meetings are held on the weekend and therefore the Members are generally in a “downtime” mood. To help them move through the meeting efficiently and respectfully, there are a few tips to help. Minimize distractions as they arrive to the meeting. Cell phones can be collected prior to starting the meeting. If the host has provided a snack, it should be served after the meeting. Begin the meeting promptly and if there is time after the meeting, then they can socialize. Of course, only meeting time counts as community service hours. Utilize the format provided – Roberts Rules of Order keep meetings running smoothly. Rotate the meeting locations so that parents have an opportunity to see Lion’s Heart meetings in action. This will help engage the parents as volunteers AND help them understand the Member’s role as part of Lion’s Heart and the role of the CC.

7 Other Helpful Tips Let’s Get Started…
Make a calendar with the group service events for the year Repeat one special service event year after year After the meeting and/or after a service event, tell the entire group how much time they can log for that event (including driving time) Help the Members understand when they volunteer for an event, it is a responsibility. They need to attend the event even if something “better to do” presents itself. The event organizers are expecting them and so are their peers. Senior groups should be advised to do as many service hours over their summer as possible due to the very busy nature of their senior year Social events for the group can be fun as an ice breaker or an ongoing team building experience (these do not count for community service hours) These are just a few tips that we have found over the years to help the groups function smoothly and work within the Mission Statement. Deciding as a group on one special service event which the group repeats every year let’s the Members look forward to and improve on it each year. An example would be volunteering at Toys for Tots every winter, or singing and playing bingo at the same senior center every year. Help to keep Member’s hours accurate by discussing the actual total service time to be logged in at the conclusion of the event itself. Assist Member’s with time management – particularly for those entering their Senior year, suggest they get as many hours as possible in the summer prior to school starting. Social events such as bowling or paint balling can be a fun way to build team spirit in the group – just make sure the Member’s understand this does not count for service hours.

8 Lastly … Thank you! Let’s Get Started…
Relax and enjoy your part of giving back to the community! You can not want this more than the Members Good luck to you with the rest of this training course! We hope we have supplied you with all the tools and information to be a successful CC. Please feel free to contact your Chapter President for enrollment questions and/or the Class Coordinator Liaison with any questions along the way…. Thank you! We really want you to enjoy your part of giving back to the community! YOUR JOB is simply to schedule the meetings and be a facilitator, as this organization is designed to be Member driven. A few Members join because their parents tell them to or they just enrolled them. Hopefully over time they will come to understand how wonderful their role can be in the community. It is not your responsibility to force the unwilling Members to finish the year in good standing. They have to want it themselves. Also, please don’t feel you have failed if you have Members who do not choose to continue. There are always Member who drop out, and then there are always new people who want to join. Good luck to you with the rest of the course and THANK YOU in advance for becoming part of Lion’s Heart! You must score 100% on each assessment to pass this course. You will be able to go back and take the assessments as many times as you need to achieve 100%. After you successfully pass this course, you will receive a congratulatory . Please forward that to your Chapter President so she knows you have passed the course. There is no assessment for this module. So, return to the Training Menu and select the next module. Thank you!

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