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SPACE The Illusion of Depth

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Presentation on theme: "SPACE The Illusion of Depth"— Presentation transcript:

1 SPACE The Illusion of Depth

2 SPACE The distance or areas around, between, or within components of a work of art.

3 POSITIVE SPACE The space taken up by the subject.

4 The space around the subject.
NEGATIVE SPACE The space around the subject.

5 Terms to know: Picture Plane: The surface of a drawing or a painting.
Foreground: The part of the picture that appears nearest to you. Background: The part of the picture that appears farthest away. Middle ground: The area in between.

6 Perspective A graphic system that creates the illusion of depth and volume on a two-dimensional surface. Basically….how your location affects how you see things.

7 OVERLAPPING When one object covers a part of a second object, the first seems to be closer to the viewer.


9 PLACEMENT Objects placed low on the picture plane seem to be closer to the viewer than objects placed near eye level. The most distant shapes are those that seem to be exactly at eye level.

10 SIZE Larger objects appear to be closer than smaller objects.

11 VALUE & FOCUS Brightly colored objects seem closer than dull colored objects. Objects with clear, sharp edges and visible details seem to be closer to you.

A way of using lines to show distance and depth. As parallel lines move away from you, they seem to move closer together toward the horizon line.



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