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ctcLink Project Update ctcLink Steering Committee

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1 ctcLink Project Update ctcLink Steering Committee
May 7, 2019 Choi Halladay - Vice President for Administrative Services, Pierce College; ctcLink Steering Committee Chair Christy Campbell – SBCTC ctcLink Project Director

2 Agenda Item Description Duration Facilitator Welcome Christy 2
Welcome Christy Approval of Minutes 1 Minute Choi Deployment Group 2 Go-Live Date – Request for Approval Deployment Date Selection Process 10 Minutes Adhering to current deployment groups (no future changes) - Review proposal language, discuss, make recommendation to cELC for adoption and communication to WACTC/presidents 15 Minutes Executive Sponsor Engagement Discussion Christy/Choi 6 Enhancement Request: PCI Compliant Integrated Cashier Cred Card Solution John Ginther ctcLink Program Status Remediation (CCS, TCC Updates) Deployment Group 2 (Training, Testing, Deployment) Deployment Group 3 (BPFG. Data Validation) Deployment Group 4 (Initiation) Deployment Group 5 (Early Visits/Reporting) PM Summit (May 6-8) Update Subgroup: SC Charter & Membership (Discussion regarding requirement of college “Executive Sponsor” as voting members) All Meeting Closure

3 Ctclink Minutes – Approval
April 23, 2019

4 Deployment Group 2 – Go-Live Date
Discussion / Approval Additional Discussion – Future Go-Live Dates Option 2: Perform Upgrade & Conversion 2 Cut-Overs (Early October) Takedown PS: 10/11/19 No Impact Return Access to PS: 10/14/19 2nd Takedown PS: 10/25/19 Takedown Legacy: 10/24/19 2nd Return Access to PS: 10/28/19 Up on PeopleSoft:

5 Deployment Dates Selection Process
Project Team Provides Deployment Date Options Based on Payroll and College Term Calendars Deployment and Deployed Project Managers Review Deployment Date Options to Gain Consensus If No Consensus Achieved, Deployment and Deployed Executive Sponsors Review Deployment Date Options to Gain Consensus If No Consensus Achieved, Deployment and Deployed President Review Deployment Date Options to Gain Consensus If No Consensus Achieved, Issue is Escalated to Steering Committee for Recommendation to cELC cELC Reviews Recommendations from Steering Committee and Decides Go-Live Dates for that Deployment If No Consensus If No Consensus If No Consensus If No Consensus

6 Deployment Group Movements
Discussion - Colleges to stay in current deployment groups (no future changes) Review proposal language & recommendation to cELC for adoption Due to the high risk associated with additional colleges moving to later deployment groups and the inability for colleges to move to an earlier deployment group at this stage in the project, the Steering Committee recommends a moratorium on any future changes to the deployment groups that are currently in place. Motion: The Steering Committee requests that the cELC adopt this recommendation and communicate it to all presidents at the WACTC business meeting and follow-up with a communication from the cELC co-chairs to the WACTC listserv.

7 Executive Sponsor Discussion
What do Executive Sponsor’s need? Executive Sponsor Survey results varied Understanding their role? College Engagement? ctcLink PMO/Governance Engagement? Communications?

8 Enhancement Request PCI Compliant Integrated Cashier Credit Card Solution
Review Enhancement Request Document Considerations / Discussion What is the scope of this work? Who will be assigned? Managing? What budget will be utilized for this solution? Additional Questions?

9 Ctclink program status
Remediation (CCS, TCC Updates) Deployment Group 2 (Training, Testing, Deployment) Deployment Group 3 (BPFG. Data Validation) Deployment Group 4 (Initiation/Reporting) Deployment Group 5 (Early Visits/Reporting/Initiation) Deployment Group 6 (7/9 Colleges - Initiation Schedule) PM Summit: 2 Days - Focused on College Implementation Activities ½ Day - Focused on College Initiation Activities

10 Pilot remediation overview & status
Date Total Open Items Open Items With a Plan to Complete (Appendix A) Open Items Needing a Replacement Solution (Appendix A) Open Items That Were Closed, but Reopened in Remediation Agreement (Appendix B) 2016, 2017, 2018 Financial Books Absence Management Continuing Education Online Admissions Budget Planning Financial Aid Customizations 11/29/17 195 101 10 84 12/13/18 41 29 2 4/01/19 22 11 1 DRS – Department of Retirement Systems *FirstLink (pilot) colleges are validating open and closed items/numbers

11 Project Status – April 15 to 26, 2019
Overall Project Status Summary Category Status Comments Overall Y Program is on track, per timeline, scope and budget Security Mapping activities impacting UAT Current DG2 Schedule has no “Float” remaining in timeline Schedule Monitoring scope and timing of: Budgeting Tool, Continuing Education, Online Admissions Application, Physical Assets and OBIA implementations Scope Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) needs to be updated to validate original RFP requirements have been implemented, tested, and end users trained on the processes and functionality Budget G Currently tracking under budget New Technology Plan approved as well as Stage Gate #3 for OFM/OCIO Technology Pool funding Executive Summary The project is tracking per schedule and under budget. Review and definition of scope for each deployment continues due to the rework of key solutions. Each Deployment Group (DG) is now engaged: DG2 is in the Construct Phase and the ctcLink project team is performing DG2 System Integration Testing (SIT) and conversions. Conversations are underway to set go-live dates. DG3 is in the Structure Phase, focused on Business Process Fit/Gap sessions (BPFG) through May. DG4 is in the Initiation Phase, with most colleges nearing the halfway mark on deliverables. DG5 colleges have begun Initiation Phase and are learning the public status reporting process. DG5’s first report is included in this status update. DG6 will soon begin initiation phase and reporting process. The spring 2019 Project Managers Summit will be held at Wenatchee Valley College, with May 6-7 focused on overall Implementation Phase activities for all colleges and May 8 focused on the Initiation Phase for DG5 and DG6. Contract negotiations are underway for a new Continuing Education solution. The Online Admissions Application (OAA) work group is actively pursuing an OAA replacement. The Budget Planning Tool work group is reviewing and finalizing business and technical requirements. Overall Status Summary per Deployment Group DG# Status Comments DG2 Y Security Mapping activities are impacting DG2 UAT Security Production Mapping is still pending DG3 G College resources have been engaged in BPFG Workshops Conversion cycles have begun DG4 College teams working on Initiation Phase activities DG5 7 of 8 Colleges have downloaded Initiation Plan DG6 7 of 9 Colleges have downloaded Initiation Plan Christy Overall Timeline (All Deployments)

12 Top Risks Reported – as of April 26, 2019
LEGEND: Critical High Moderate Low C H L M Risk Level Risk Description Mitigating Actions Submitted by (name, org/college), Deployment Group & Date Risk Owner (s) H Chart of Accounts (CoA) – User adoption and successful deployment (scheduled for July 1, 2019) is critical for Deployment Group 2 (DG2) timeline. Update: Spokane has met all deadlines and is meeting with Emmett weekly. Emmett is reaching out to TCC to set up same engagement. *Refer to CoA milestones tracking in this report. Emmett Folk, ctcLink PM for FIN & HCM Team DG2 Impacted, Risk Date: 10/12/2018 *also Risk submitted by Matt Connelly, Spokane District PM on 10/23/18 Emmett Folk Clark: Student Finance (SF) not tested – As of mid-March, we have completed data validation for Cycle #3, but have not validated any SF data to ensure it is working correctly. Update: Data Validation has occurred for cycle #3 & cycle #4. Working through issues logged in OTM and next step is to contact SMEs regarding these issues. ctcLink is developing options for a cycle 4B which includes SF data. Susan Maxwell, Clark PM DG2 Impacted, Risk Date: 3/15/2019 John Henry Whatley, Chandan Goel C Clark: Impact to college Continuing Education (CE) program – seems likely that Clark will start with OSECE and possibly move to CampusCE. Decisions are dependent on cost for CampusCE, support for OSECE and impact to students. Update: ctcLink team has met to discuss options for OSECE and CampusCE. We are preparing to deploy OSECE and waiting on contract negotiations for CampusCE RFP. John Henry Whatley, Dennis Colgan Top Issues Reported – as of April 26, 2019 LEGEND: High Moderate Low H L M Issue Level Issue Description Status Update Submitted by (name, org/college), Deployment Group & Date Issue Owner (s) H Security Mapping activities to begin UAT have impacted College experience of UAT. Update: The ctcLink team is highly concerned about getting timely information from the Security team in order to have adequate time to set up functional security settings for the UAT sprint cycles. ctcLink PMO submitted for ctcLink CS, HCM, FIN Team DG2 Impacted, Issue Date 4/16/2019 Tara Keen, Security Team Security Mapping activities to mitigate UAT timeline, have not addressed the new Security Design Production user access Update: The ctcLink team is highly concerned about the Production Security Mapping for DG2 Colleges and entering new Security into one of the UAT cycles. Although there are no other options due to the schedule, this will be a challenge for the DG Colleges and SB as well as potential impact to the remaining UAT cycles. 2

13 PM summit Agenda prepared in collaboration with a college representative from each deployment group May 6 & 7 – All Colleges (Implementation Activities) May 8 - DG 5 & 6 (DG4 optional) – Focused on Getting Ready for Implementation (Initiation Activities) At Wenatchee Valley College Steering Committee - May 7, :30 PM Wenatchee Valley College, Wenatchi Hall, ctcLink Meeting Room and WebEx

14 Other Discussion Items
SC Charter – Executive Sponsor Role Subgroup Update for progress to review SC Charter Recommendations for addressing colleges in Post Production that may no longer have an Executive Sponsor. In the current charter, this title (Executive Sponsor) is required to be nominated to serve on ctcLink Steering Committee

15 Questions?

16 Remediation Open – Finance
# Item # Description Status Planned Date Adjusted Date 1 19057 Ability for each organizational unit to develop and modify a budget at any level of the organizational structure and at any level of the program structure, throughout the budget development process. Open DG3 2/1/2020 Needs RFP 2 19297 Distribute and report labor costs based on user-defined criteria, with full integration and reconciliation of data between GL, Payroll, and Student. Closed 8/1/2018 Updated Training Content 3 19299 Provide a journal entry toolset, including but not limited to a standardize spreadsheet template, to facilitate streamlined journal entry and upload. 4 19304 Standardize sub-objects and mapping to a system-wide structure for each unique GL created at the college-level. 1/1/2018 7/1/2019 New COA Design 5 19323 Supports GL account verification across applications. 2/1/2018 TBD FY Deliverable 6 19342 Support vendor payment advance process based on user-defined criteria (e.g., each college is authorized to draw an advance against the State Treasurer, with the amount equal to 17% of preceding biennium's monthly allocation). 12/1/2017 SB Process Provided 7 19382 Integrate seamlessly with receivables processes to collect funds from vendors and recover overpayments.

17 Remediation Open – Finance, cont’d
# Item # Description Status Planned Date Adjusted Date 8 19454 Create and maintain as many payment forms and templates, including remittance detail, as required to meet institutional needs and local needs of individual colleges. Closed 8/1/2018 Updated Training Content 9 19633 Enable reconciliation process based on user-defined business rules (e.g., able to identify transaction source). Open 1/1/2018 TBD FY Deliverables 10 19747 Calculate and report indirect costs based on user-defined criteria. 2/1/2019 ERP Support 11 19968 Track grants separately from G/L Chart of Accounts and reconcile the two. 12 20212 Comparison of Actual to Budget (Revenues/Receipts and Expenditures) 12/29/2017 2/1/2020 Need RFP 13 N/A - 39 Must configure system to utilize correspondence to vendors for all PO’s. 1/1/2019 14 N/A - 41 College needs a budget development system that allows for adequate budget building process. DG3 15 19713 Dispose of financial and non-financial assets. DG2

18 Remediation Open – Human Resources
# Item # Description Status Plan Date Adjusted Date 1 20596 Faculty Workload to generate and modify documents and pay for adjunct faculty based on user-defined criteria (4 Phases to resolve / 2 Phases remaining) Closed 3/1/2018 Package /31/2018 Package 2 – 3/1/2019 2 29976 Develop and Re-run the ESD report 12/1/2017 TBD - TCC to Test 3 37532 Bio-Demo data values not aligned with CS and HCM 12/31/2018 4 20753 Establish contract pay based on user-defined criteria. Open 1/1/2019 TBD - Needs CPW 5 20573 Need ability to report on department budgets TBD Needs Budget Tool 6 N/A - 0 DRS Redistribution 4/30/2019 4/30/2019 – ERP SIT 7 N/A - 27 Step Movement / Needs CEMLI DG2 - 10/24/2019 In Development 8 N/A - 29 Spokane would like to participate in UAT process for upcoming DGs implementing the Recruitment module. DG2 4/29/2019 9 N/A - 31 Migrate ctcLink framework to Wave 1 framework (related to Absence Management) 10 N/A - 32 Create “day” definition / Absence Management and Time & Labor issue 11 N/A - 34 Provide list of employees missing area codes / Legacy Data Issue 9/14/2018

19 Remediation Open – Campus Solutions
# Item # Description Status Planned Date Adjusted Date 1 20797 Support continuing education registration process where student can browse courses without logging on Open DG3 2/1/2020 In Negotiations 2 20901 Provide the ability for continuing education students to enroll directly in classes (i.e., application is not required). 3 21359 Allow payment online for continuing education based on user name and password. 4 21505 Perform third-party billing based on user-defined criteria (e.g., by student, consolidated) . Closed 5/1/2018 10/24/2019 GDR Approved 5 20814 6 21293 Support streamlined admissions processing and user interface. (Online Admissions Application) Evaluation 7 N/A - 13 Effective Dating: FA Term, FA Budget and other areas have defective Effective Dating 12/1/2017 TBD 8 N/A - 15 Reconciliation queries haven’t worked correctly or accurately since Go Live. 3/1/2018 5/30/2019 FY Deliverable 9 N/A - 22 Error/exception report identifying discrepancies between financial aid system and the general ledger (2nd Journal Set)

20 Remediation Open – Campus Solutions, cont’d
# Item # Description Status Planned Date Adjusted Date 10 N/A – 12 SAP Setup Effective Dating doesn’t work (Oracle Bug ID ) Open 6/1/2018 TBD Waiting on fix from Oracle Workaround in place 11 N/A – 17 Converted student account balances must be completely audited / corrected to reflect the ending balances from Legacy. 5/30/2019 FY Deliverable 12 N/A – 18 Reports to reconcile student financial transactions for a given day to the general ledger by item type, chartstring and fund. 5/1/2018 13 N/A – 19 Need accurate reports in the CS pillar for Student Financials to summarize data such as insurance, fees, waivers, etc. 9/30/2018 14 21451 Maintain academic standing for financial aid eligibility, based on multiple, user-defined criteria Closed N/A 15 21338 Track satisfactory academic progress (SAP).

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