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T4.2a Algebraic Representation of Vectors I

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Presentation on theme: "T4.2a Algebraic Representation of Vectors I"— Presentation transcript:

1 T4.2a Algebraic Representation of Vectors I
Got ID? T4.2a Algebraic Representation of Vectors I Joke for the day: How did the insane asylum inmate escape through the woods? He took the psycho-path!

2 Active Learning Assignment?

3 LESSON: Given the following vector, AB, can we find the component form (horizontal & vertical components)? A(2,5) AB = (2,-3) * B(4,2) v = (2,-3) (Terminal minus initial!!!!) 2 and -3 are the components of AB; AB can be expressed as v 3

4 Try: Given A(8,-5) and B(3, -4), express AB in component form.
B – A = (3, -4) – (8, -5 ) Restate = ( 3 – 8 , -4 – (-5) ) Operate AB = (-5, 1) Simplify

5 * Why do we use absolute value?
Because absolute value is distance from zero! (2,5) (4,2) * v = (2,-3) Just calculate this number. Use EXACT VALUE!

6 Try: Using A(8,-5) and B(3, -4), Find
Remember you got: AB = (-5, 1) (Leave in EXACT VALUE) Magnitude Decipher: M R DUCKS M R NOT SAR C M WANGS L I B

7 Ex: Given A(4,2) and B(9, – 1), express AB in component form and find the magnitude of |AB|
Try: Given A(7,-3) and B(-12,-6), express AB in component form and find the magnitude of |AB| B – A B – A Restate = (9, – 1) – (4, 2) = (– 12, – 6) – (7, – 3) = ( 9 – 4 , – 1 – 2 ) Operate = (– 12 – 7 , – 6 – (– 3 ) Simplify AB = (5, – 3) AB = (– 19, – 3) Magnitude * Abs. value = Magnitude = Distance Formula

8 Active Learning Assignment:
P 429: 1-4 WOW: Don’t just do the job you were hired to do, find ways to make things better. Even if you’re working at a fast food restaurant, don’t just sit around, do something—sweep up, carry the trash out, help others, etc. Employers don’t value employees who sit around, employers don’t promote employees who sit around, and employers don’t keep employees who sit around.

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