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Chemistry – Mar 8, 2019 binary compound  two elements

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1 Chemistry – Mar 8, 2019 binary compound  two elements metal carbonate  metal oxide + carbon dioxide metal hydrogen carbonate  metal oxide + water + carbon dioxide metal hydroxide  metal oxide + water metal chlorate  metal chloride + oxygen metal sulfate  metal oxide + sulfur dioxide + oxygen metal nitrate  metal oxide + nitrogen dioxide + oxygen P3 Challenge – Everyone (no mastery quizzes today due to time) Write the complete balanced molecular equation for the decomposition of Zn(ClO3)2  Today’s Objective – Predicting products Get out Predicting Products WS parts 1-3 for HMK check

2 Chemistry – Mar 8, 2019 Objective – Predicting Products Assignment:
Predicting products worksheet complete Agenda Homework Review Predicting Double Replacement Predicting Combustion

3 Predicting Products If given reactants, you should be able to predict the products. The type of reactants will tell you which type of reaction will happen. Given Reactants Determine Reaction Type Predict Products Two elements. Synthesis (S) A single compound Decomposition (D) An element and a compound Single replacement (SR) Two compounds Double replacement (DR) Reaction with oxygen Combustion (C)

4 Predicting Double Replacement
Use when two ionic compounds are reacting. Identify the cations and anions present in the reactants. Switch partners so that each cation is with the other anion. Write your products using the “switch drop and reduce” procedure for new compounds. Check solubility to verify the reaction happens. Ex: CaCl2 + AgNO3  Ex: ZnSO4 + Ba(OH)2 

5 Predicting Combustion
Use when there is oxygen as a reactant. Identify each element in the other reactant. The products formed will be oxides of each of the elements. Common Nonmetal oxides are CO2, H2O, NO2 and SO2. For metal oxides, use the “switch drop and reduce” procedure (Metal ion to use given.) Ex: C3H3NO + O2  Ex: (III) FeS + O2 

6 Predicting Products If given reactants, you should be able to predict the products. The type of reactants will tell you which type of reaction will happen. Reactants Reaction Type Products Two elements, (or rxn with water) Synthesis (S) Compound of the two elements (acid or base) A single compound Decomposition (D) Component elements (or simpler substances) An element and a compound Single replacement (SR) Different element and compound Two compounds Double replacement (DR) Two different compounds Reaction with oxygen Combustion (C) Oxides of each element in other reactant

7 Exit Slip - Homework What’s Next? (How to prepare for the next day)
Exit Slip: Predict the products for the double displacement reaction below and write the balanced reaction. _____Na2O + _____ CrCl3  What’s Due? (Pending assignments to complete.) Finish Predicting Products Worksheet Due Tuesday, Reviewed Thurs Prelab due Tuesday before the lab. What’s Next? (How to prepare for the next day) Read p473, p , p , p

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