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Renewable Energy is too Expensive

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1 Renewable Energy is too Expensive
Ashley Somers Sonia Uppal Tyler Saunders August Edwards

2 What the science says… When you account for the effects which are not reflected in the market price of fossil fuels, like air pollution and health impacts, the true cost of coal and other fossil fuels is higher than the cost of most renewable energy technologies.

3 Coal Coal is the most widely utilized source of energy. People are drawn to the affordability of the resource Coal prices are also artificially low Government subsidized coal prices Price does not account for medical costs or environmental costs that coal attributes to Coal prices are said to be raised In the future

4 Price Comparison Once renewable energy is more mainstream, prices will decrease. In this transition towards alternative energy, it will still be necessary to depend on unsustainable resources to cushion the economy.

5 Recommendations Raise awareness of the availability of renewable and sustainable resources Energy policies need to be set Incentives to avoid greenhouse gas, such as carbon capture storage, subsidies for renewable resources, Fund-generating methods Mutual investment funds for clean energy

6 Conclusively… Although we do not pay the repercussions of using unsustainable, unrenewable resources (such as loss of biodiversity, pollution, and health risks) right away, it is in the inevitable future and we should work to move away from that.

7 Works Cited ve_energy_mutual_funds_compared_1.html

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