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German Hyperinflation & Political Optimism

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Presentation on theme: "German Hyperinflation & Political Optimism"— Presentation transcript:

1 German Hyperinflation & Political Optimism

2 The Ruhr Crisis French demand reparations payment, occupy the Ruhr industrial district when Germany refuses

3 German gov. asks Ruhr workers to strike French limit food deliveries
Germans print money to pay debts Causes hyperinflation








11 Germans ask again for a reduced payment plan, France agrees
German gov. issues new currency, remains stable

12 The Dawes Plan 1924 American C.G. Dawes negotiates the new payment plan US loans cash to Ger., paid to GB & Fra, who pay back loans to US Works well until Great Depression in US

13 The Locarno Pact 1925 Mutual agreements on outstanding issues that gave hope of long term, general peace Ger & Fra agree on border GB & Ita pledge to protect peace Ger. Promises peaceful deal with Cze & Pol

14 Ger. Joins League of Nations 1926
Furthers hope for peace

15 Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928 15 countries denounce war as an instrument of foreign policy Includes the US

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