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7th Grade Vocab Semester 2 Lesson 3.

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Presentation on theme: "7th Grade Vocab Semester 2 Lesson 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 7th Grade Vocab Semester 2 Lesson 3

2 Tenement (N) A Large building that has apartments or rooms for rent and that is usually in a poorer part of the city Example: Some of the worst crimes have happened in Chicago’s Southside tenements.

3 Spastic (Adj) Having movements like spasms: clumsy or awkward
Examples: My sister’s tantrums are so ridiculous that I have to tell her stop being so spastic. Related Words: Spastically (adv)

4 Maniac (N) Someone who is violent and mentally ill
Example: Mrs. Stacy’s class guesses that Max’s father may be a maniac. Related Words: Maniacal (adj)

5 Regurgitate (V) 1. To bring up food that has been swallowed back up to the mouth 2. to repeat something without understanding it Example: 1. Mother birds must regurgitate their food to feed their babies. 2. No one could accuse Kevin of regurgitating facts. Related Words: Regurgitation (N)

6 Cretin (N) A stupid, vulgar, or insensitive person
Example: I have met a lot of cretins in my life. Related Words: Cretinous (adj)

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