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ECM SERVICES Group Stormwater Monitoring Program

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1 ECM SERVICES Group Stormwater Monitoring Program

2 Compliance to the General Permit requires that captured dischargers develop and implement effective pollution control measures. These pollution control measures are called Best Management Practices or BMPs. Captured dischargers must be able to demonstrate that their BMPs are indeed effective at controlling off-site discharge of polluted storm waters AND that the BMPs are fully implemented on site at all times The BMP WEEKLY FACILITY INSPECTION REPORT is the tool that GSMP members use to demonstrate these General Permit compliance requirements. click

3 Below is the first section of the BMP Weekly Inspection Report
Below is the first section of the BMP Weekly Inspection Report. What you are looking at is the generic format of this report. Each of the ECMS group programs have their own customized formats so what you see here will not look exactly like the report form you use. Regardless of which group you are in, the following instructions will be applicable. 2 2 Enter your facility’s WDID number on line two. Your facility’s WDID number is recorded in your program manual. 1 1 Enter your facility name, as it is registered with ECM Services, on this line. 4 4 Enter the title of the person who conducted the inspection. 3 3 Enter the name of the person who conducted the inspection. This individual must be a current member of your site’s Pollution Prevention Team 5 5 Enter the MONTH and YEAR for which the inspection was conducted. You will not enter the inspection date on this form.

4 This is the second section of the form and is the most important section.
This is where you will record the compliance status of each required BMP. A Section A lists all the REQUIRED BMPs. Each group has it’s own set of required BMPs. Each week the compliance status of each BMP is to be determined via the facility inspection. B You do not record the inspection date on this report. Rather you will record, in section B, the WEEK ENDING DATE which will be Friday of each week in the month. If the BMP is determined to be fully implemented, you will indicate that by checking the “In Place” box under the WEEK ENDING DATE column. C The DESCRIPTION of the BMP deficiency and corresponding corrective action is to be recorded in section C. If the BMP is determined NOT to be fully implemented, you will record the C/A DATE or the date the correction action will be implemented to correct the deficiency. All BMP deficiencies must be corrected within 30 days. click

5 Comments : ____________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________ Facility: __________________________________________ WDID:_________________________ Displayed below is the last section of the weekly inspection report. 1 Line 1 is the COMMENTS section of the report. Use this area to provide other important inspection information not already recorded on the form. Do not use the COMMENTS field to communicate non-reporting data to ECMS staff. 3 2 You will need to record your FACILITY name (line 2) and WDID number (line 3) a second time so that both pages of the report show your facility information. click

6 Click here to complete training certification form
Tips and Reminders The weekly inspection report is a multi-page form. All pages must be completed. Facility inspections are to be done weekly. If you are submitting your monthly reports via , fax or standard mail you will use one reporting form for the entire month. If you are submitting your monthly reports via , fax or standard mail, all reports for the month should be submitted together. This will insure better tracking of your program documents. There is no specific day of the week you are required to do the inspection. Nor are you required to do the inspection the same day of each week. The requirement is that the inspections are done weekly. The weekly inspections are to be done by a current member of your facility’s Pollution Prevention Team as documented in Section 3 of your program manual. Refer to your program manual for more detailed explanations of your program’s BMPs. This presentation is only intended to train on how to complete the weekly inspection reporting form. Please refer to the listing of available online training programs, upcoming training webinars and your program manual for training on how to conduct an onsite compliance status inspection. Click here to complete training certification form

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