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Sugar and phosphate backbone The nitrogen containing bases The mRNA

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1 Sugar and phosphate backbone The nitrogen containing bases The mRNA
Biology Class Standard Target: I can describe and explain the structure of DNA Question of the Day Which of the following components of DNA is the actual code for the genetic instructions? Sugar and phosphate backbone The nitrogen containing bases The mRNA The entire double helix Agenda Quick Quiz – DNA Structure Discovery of DNA Video Clip Watch the video and be prepared to give your opinion of who should get the credit. How does DNA Work Complete the active reading handout Complete the vocabulary unscramble Return the DNA Model Tutorial and retakes up to a 70 percent after school.

2 Vocabulary Dictionary – create a dictionary of terms for the next unit in your notebook using the columns below. Term From the book My own words Sentence or picture Gene Deoxyribonucleic acid Ribonucleic acid Chromosome Nucleotide Nitrogen base Transcription Translation codon Double helix Replication

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