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Sports Medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "Sports Medicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sports Medicine

2 Daily Objectives Content Objectives Language Objectives
Learn who and what makes up the sports medicine team. Understand the roles and responsibilities of the certified athletic trainer Language Objectives Copy notes off of power point. Complete Guided Reading Activity View the NATA website.

3 Pace Lap What is sports medicine?
What health professions would make up a sports medicine team? 5 minutes

4 Assignment Define sports medicine.
Read page 4 and ½ of page 5 and answer the following questions. Feel free to add some of your own thoughts and ideas regarding the topic of sports medicine. Define sports medicine. What does ACSM stand for and what is it’s purpose? How does sports medicine differ from normal medicine? Why is sports medicine important to the athletic population?

5 Sports Medicine Sports Medicine ACSM
The multidisciplinary approach to health care for those seriously involved in exercise and sport. ACSM American College of Sports Medicine Established to converge different fields of healthcare to focus on national health and fitness. How does “Sports Medicine” differ from regular medicine? Sports medicine specialist are trained to specifically address the health care needs for athletes.

6 Why is it important to the Athletic Population?

7 The Sports Medicine Team

8 The Certified Athletic Trainer
A healthcare professional

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