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Characterization MRS. OLOYA.

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Presentation on theme: "Characterization MRS. OLOYA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Characterization MRS. OLOYA

2 Characters People or animals story is about
Usually identified early in story

3 Characterization Creating characters 3 ways: Traits:
Physical Personality: illustrated through reactions, dialogue, thoughts, dialect Motivation: reason for actions, emotions, thoughts Development: how character changes

4 Types Protagonist vs. Antagonist Antihero Confidante Foils
Static vs. Dynamic Flat vs. Round Archetypical

5 Protagonist vs. Antagonist
Protagonist: main character Antagonist: person or force working against main character

6 Antihero Main character who has a flaw (liar, thief, murderer, etc.)
Katniss lies, kills, and hurts people in order to survive

7 Confidante Characters who trust one another with their lives, secrets, thoughts, etc. Katniss and Gale trust each other, break the law together, and talk to each other about dangerous things like their hate for the Capitol

8 Foils Characters who are opposites in the story and highlight each other’s traits Thresh and Rue are opposite in physical appearance and strengths: Thresh is big and physically strong Rue is small and physically weak but mentally strong

9 Static vs. Dynamic Static: a character who doesn’t change
Dynamic: a character who does change Cato never realizes that he should be mad at the Capitol for the Hunger Games, instead he supports it throughout At first, Katniss only wanted to survive, but by the end, she wanted to rebel against the Capitol even if that meant dying.

10 Flat vs. Round Peeta is funny, brave, loving, kind, generous, etc.
Flat: a character who represents one specific trait Round: a character with a well-rounded personality Foxface represents stealthy intelligence Peeta is funny, brave, loving, kind, generous, etc. Cato represents bloodthirsty ambition

11 Prim is the innocent victim or damsel in distress who must be saved
Mary Jane in Spiderman Archetypical A character type that shows up in multiple stories throughout the ages (i.e. from biblical days to present day) Cato is the villain with no guilt or remorse who enjoys killing. The Joker from Batman

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