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The act of showing excessive admiration or servile devotion

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Presentation on theme: "The act of showing excessive admiration or servile devotion"— Presentation transcript:

1 The act of showing excessive admiration or servile devotion
adulation NOUN The act of showing excessive admiration or servile devotion

2 To surrender under agreed conditions
capitulate VERB To surrender under agreed conditions

3 censure NOUN -- strong or vehement expression of disapproval
VERB -- to criticize or blame in a harsh or vehement manner

4 having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure.
cryptic ADJECTIVE having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure.

5 dissemble VERB to give a false or misleading appearance to; to conceal the truth or real nature of

6 amusing in an odd way; whimsically humorous
droll ADJECTIVE amusing in an odd way; whimsically humorous

7 palpate VERB to examine by touch, esp. for the purpose of diagnosing disease or illness.

8 peremptory ADJECTIVE leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal usually without being explicitly mandatory

9 lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted; timid.
pusillanimous ADJECTIVE lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted; timid.

10 surfeit NOUN excess; an excessive amount, especially an overindulgence in eating or drinking.

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