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Science Fair Which liquid will dissolve the gummie candy fastest? The base(Borax), water, or the acid(White Vinigar)?

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Presentation on theme: "Science Fair Which liquid will dissolve the gummie candy fastest? The base(Borax), water, or the acid(White Vinigar)?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Fair Which liquid will dissolve the gummie candy fastest? The base(Borax), water, or the acid(White Vinigar)?

2 Problem Which liquid will disslove the gummie candies fastest? The base (Borax), the water (temp 100 F), or the acid (White Vinigar)

3 Hypothesis Gummie candy has a low Ph so a base will dissolve the candy faster than the acid or the water.

4 Procedures. 1.Gather Materials 2.Place each beaker in a bowl
3.Measure 1 cup of water and pour it in a beaker. Wash and Dry,measure 4.Measure 2 tablespoons of Borax and mix with a cup of water in the second beaker.

5 Procedures 2 Place 1 gummie candy in each of the liquid filled beaker.
Time the dissolving period for each liquid. Record results and celebrate with pizza!

6 Variables Independent:Different types of liquids
Dependent:The time of dissolving Constants:The temp of the liquid, the amount of liquids,the color of the candies.

7 Results Vinigar+water ph:3(at 34:30 gummie is clear blue)
Disstilled Water ph:6 Borax water ph: 11 Borax was a bit milkey but we stilled tryed it. The temp of liquids were: 75 F The gummie bears color was blue

8 Results 2 Time: Vinegar+w: 5:26:22,Water: Overnight, Borax:3 nights

9 Extra Vinegar+w in 3:30 eats away at the film covering the gummie
Pure Vinegar and bleach are a side test. Room temp. Bleach gummie bear is bubbling. Added at 8:30. Bleach:1:25:30 Vinegar:infinity

10 Extra 2 The best place to dissolve it is in my stomach.

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