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Joanna Runkles Levelland ISD August 18, 2015

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1 Joanna Runkles Levelland ISD August 18, 2015
TTESS Overview of 2.3 and 3.3 Joanna Runkles Levelland ISD August 18, 2015

2 Lesson Frame Today we will investigate the descriptors
of TTESS Dimensions 2.3 Instruction/Communication and 3.3 Learning Environment/Classroom Culture. I will work with a group to analyze the use of 2.3 and 3.3 as modeled and consider how I can implement these effectively in my classroom.

3 4 Pictures/1 Word

4 probe prōb/ verb verb: probe 1. explore or examine (something)
"researchers probe the digestive glands of mollusks“

5 Probing Questions Clarify, Elaborate, Extend – Don’t forget WAIT TIME
Tell me exactly… How do you know… What might happen if… How does that compare… What would that be like… 5 Whys Give me an example Don’t forget WAIT TIME

6 Anticipating Misunderstandings
How will they be addressed? Could they be used to increase engagement?

7 Classroom Practices How are students called on to respond?
How many students respond? To whom do they respond? Teacher Partner Whole group In what ways are they asked/allowed to respond? Visual Tools Technology Artistic Spatial Tactile Other Media

8 Dimension 2.3 Communication
The teacher clearly and accurately communicates to support persistence, deeper learning and effective effort.


10 TAKE AWAY Definition Facts Examples Non-Examples 2.3 Communication

11 Dimension 3.3 Classroom Culture
The teacher leads a mutually respectful and collaborative class of actively engaged learners.


13 TAKE AWAY Definition Facts Examples Non-Examples 2.3 Communication
3.3 Classroom Culture Examples Non-Examples

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