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Punnett Squares, Pea Plants, and Genomes...Oh My!

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Presentation on theme: "Punnett Squares, Pea Plants, and Genomes...Oh My!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Punnett Squares, Pea Plants, and Genomes...Oh My!
Heredity Punnett Squares, Pea Plants, and Genomes...Oh My!

2 What is heredity? Heredity is the passing on of physical and mental traits genetically from one generation of organisms to the next. Physical trait: a trait that you can see on an individual. Mental trait: a trait that can only be seen through behavior.

3 Genotype A genotype is the collection of genes in an individual.
Your genes are your genotype. You have a genotype. Your parents have a genotype...etc.

4 Phenotype A phenotype is an individual’s observable traits.
What kind of observable traits can we think of?

5 Dominate vs Recessive So why do some traits show and others don’t?
A dominant trait is a trait that will be visible if a parent gives it to the offspring. Examples of dominant traits: Brown Hair Right Handed Brown Eyes Six Fingers Able to roll tongue

6 Dominant Vs Recessive A recessive trait is a trait that is only visible if both parents give the same unlikely trait to the offspring. Examples of Recessive traits: Normal Vision Five Fingers Left Handed Blonde Hair Blue Eyes Straight Hair

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