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CTLP Recommendations Briefing

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1 CTLP Recommendations Briefing
Prevent Safeguarding Referral and Channel Panel CTLP Recommendations Briefing

2 Radicalisation The process by which a person comes to support terrorism and forms of extremism leading to terrorism

3 Radicalisation How radicalisation occurs; that it is usually a process, not a single event; and that there is no single pathway of radicalisation to violent extremism as the process is unique to each person. And that there are some common elements / warning signs that someone is at risk of being radicalised into extremism, with indicators including: Significant changes to behaviour, such as increased arguing, changes to appearance or clothing, spending more time on their computer / phone, being more active on social media, becoming more religious or political Becoming uninterested in day to day activities such as work or study Preparing to or cutting ties with friends and family, keeping company with a new circle of friends, and adopting a whole new lifestyle Expressing sympathy for extremist ideologies Supporting violence for a cause Expressing hateful views or using derogatory terms towards certain individuals or groups Avoiding being or refusing to engage with certain individuals or groups, perhaps on the basis of race, religion, gender or sexuality Spending time looking at extremist groups Posting pictures of fighters on social media accounts

4 Channel Panels Each Area has to have a Panel who meet to discuss people at risk of being drawn into extremism Based on Safeguarding Model Referral initially to the Police. Information is gathered and then shared with relevant partners. Action Plan/Care Plan for Individual. Case reviewed at regular intervals. Standard Prevent Referral Form for UK

5 Prevent Referral Form A new national Prevent Safeguarding referral form has been released. The form is designed to help articulate a safeguarding concern under Prevent where you are worried an individual is at risk from radicalisation. Where possible the referral form should be used with immediate effect and replace ANY versions of the Humberside Prevent referral form you currently have in use, saved on shared drives or organisational intranet sites.

6 2019 2013 2017/18

7 Background Since the original Humberside Prevent referral form was created in 2013 the CT/DE world has evolved and the Prevent Duty guidance (2015) followed more recently by the Prevent Duty Toolkit for Local Authorities and Partner Agencies (2018) has provided a clearer understanding of the role all partners play in Prevent including identifying and dealing with the initial stages of a concern connected to radicalisation. The work around the Police assessment of any concerns has also developed in line with new national processes, this form will help to complement that work.

8 Prevent Referral Form The form has been produced by the Home Office and will help to ensure a consistent approach to referrals across the UK, enabling relevant information to be captured in order for an informed assessment to be made. To comply with national policy Humberside Police will be adopting this form with immediate effect. Any referrals received after 1st February using the old form will be returned and the referrer asked to complete a referral using the new form.

9 Prevent Referral Form The form is in pdf format and allows the referrer to input the details directly into relevant fields. Due to some restrictions with Adobe (depending on the version/access) if you save the blank form it becomes locked preventing you from adding any text, however if you ‘right click & copy’ the form from link and ‘paste’ it to the location required on organisational shared/personal drives and use the from there it will allow you to add text as intended on each occasion it is opened.

10 Prevent Referral Form If your organisation would ordinarily upload the referral form to an intranet site/page for staff to access the same principle should be applied, the form should be copied into the relevant area/drive before uploading to the intranet page/site required rather than saved into that location.

11 Notice, Check, Share (Notice) Teacher notices a concern
(Check) A referral is made to Head of Year/Safeguarding re: the concerns to check the concerns Relevant safeguarding procedures followed (speak to student, parent, peers, other staff etc..) (Share) If concerns remain or escalate Safeguarding Lead shares the concern and makes a referral to Prevent

12 Referral Process Ultimately all we can ask is that the form is used to submit a Prevent referral and when submitted the “I’d like this concern to be immediately shared with partner agencies” is the option that should be selected in section 8. As with previous communications please also remember a dual referral to IMAP / Safe Guarding Adults when making a referral to the Prevent Team. Once completed the form is sent to The only change is the form itself the referral process to Police remains the same.

13 Referral Form


15 Information Sharing Click here This advice is for all frontline practitioners and senior managers working with children, young people, parents and carers who have to make decisions about sharing personal information on a case-by-case basis. The guidance has been updated to reflect the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018, and it supersedes the HM Government Information sharing: guidance for practitioners and managers published in March 2015.

16 A briefing for Multi-Agency Partnerships
New Prevent e-Learning Packages A briefing for Multi-Agency Partnerships

17 New Prevent e-Learning
Prevent* (*updated Winter 2018) Prevent Referrals Channel Awareness Click here Click here Click here

18 New Prevent e-Learning
Specific guidance around making a referral, suitable for all staff in all organisations, Schedule 6 or otherwise. Provides referrers with confidence about making a referral. Informs about responsibility of referring agency to conduct due diligence before a referral is made. Channel e-learning assists with understanding the Channel process and different roles of Channel. Personal certificate produced.

19 Contact Tel: 101 (x3750) E-Mail:
If you have questions about the new Prevent Safeguarding referral form please contact the Police Prevent Team. Tel: 101 (x3750)

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