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Holcomb Bridge MS Positive Behavior Interventions & Support

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1 Holcomb Bridge MS Positive Behavior Interventions & Support

2 Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (P.B.I.S.)
What is PBIS? School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (SW-PBIS) consists of a range of strategies that you will see in each of your classrooms and throughout the school. These strategies are posted as a reminder of the high expectations that everyone in the building, students and adults, should follow . This system has also been put in place to help motivate and encourage you to learn in an academically challenging environment.

3 How Does PBIS Relate to I C.A.R.E.?
I C.A.R.E. is one component of the P.B.I.S. system. I C.A.R.E and the I C.A.R.E. bucks are not going away. You will sometimes be rewarded for demonstrating I C.A.R.E. behaviors . There will be classroom rewards, grade level rewards, and school wide rewards given throughout the year for those who earn them. 

4 Let’s Review…. What Does I C.A.R.E. Mean?
Commit Acts of Kindness Act Responsibly Respect People and Property Ensure Safety

5 Teachers should review the matrix with the students
Teachers should review the matrix with the students. Some parts of the matrix are the same as last year, while other parts are new.

6 How Do I Earn I C.A.R.E. Bucks?
Demonstrate I C.A.R.E. Behaviors … For example: You noticed that a classmate left his tray on the cafeteria table and threw it away without being asked by a teacher, administrator, or other staff member… This is an example of committing an act of kindness and respecting people and property. You will not receive an I C.A.R.E. for every I C.A.R.E. behavior you do. Your goal is to always be kind, responsible, respectful, and safe, and sometimes you will be rewarded for demonstrating I C.A.R.E. behaviors.

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