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Career & Technology Education

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Presentation on theme: "Career & Technology Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Career & Technology Education
Stile & Rail Doors Presented by John Leininger AWILL Career & Technology Education Module 11

2 Stile and Rail Door Pair
Find in Drawings Elevation and Sections - Rim-raised, veneered stile and rail door pair with glass and T-astragal Given: Hardware by others All lumber from plain sawn red oak Presenter should know that A-04 are the drawings being used. Presenter informs attendees that they will use a blank cost sheet in the back of the handbook for this task. Presenter REMEMBER TO READ the ‘GIVEN’ section of the slide.

3 Stile and Rail Door Pair (cont.)
Listings Stiles and rails Lower rim-raised panels Assume 2 pcs. 3/4 stock face laminated Panel rims Applied mouldings Filler spline blocks behind mouldings T-astragal in solid lumber Presenter notes - these are the items to be included in the listing. For this task you will have - Time: 15 mins.

4 Stile and Rail Door Pair (cont.)
Calculations Board footage from Table 3 Apply waste factor from Table 2 Summarize and Apply Overhead Markup Total Your Material Costs Presenter to remind fellow presenter to float and assist companies.

5 Stile and Rail Door Pair (cont.)
Labor 100’s for moulding and trim (you select) 1400’s for door fabrication Add this labor to your material costs

6 Stile and Rail Door Summary
Total for materials Total for labor Total Stile & Rail Door developed cost Add total costs to bid. Presenter does a summary of what task has been completed and total amounts. Presenter informs attendees to place totals with their bid.

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