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History of Law 5.01 Evaluate the role of debate, consensus, compromise, and negotiation in resolving conflicts.

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Presentation on theme: "History of Law 5.01 Evaluate the role of debate, consensus, compromise, and negotiation in resolving conflicts."— Presentation transcript:

1 History of Law 5.01 Evaluate the role of debate, consensus, compromise, and negotiation in resolving conflicts

2 Code of Hammurabi First known written law
About 1760 B.C.

3 Ten Commandments Hebrew people living in Palestine Moral Codes

4 Justinian Code A.D. 533 Emperor organized legal code

5 Napoleonic Code Early 1800s French Emperor reorganized laws

6 English Legal Tradition
COMMON LAW PARLIAMENT Legal system based on earlier rulings called precedent Kings sent judges out into the country to hold trials Blended Roman law and canon law (rules of the Catholic Church)

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