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Assessment- Mosaic Due Thursday, May 28.

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1 Assessment- Mosaic Due Thursday, May 28

2 1. Must have space for “grout” between the each of the “tiles”

3 2. Your tiles may be all similar in SHAPE or they may vary

4 3. Tiles should be relatively the same SIZE
3. Tiles should be relatively the same SIZE. No tile should be larger than a penny!!

5 4. It must cover the entire HALF SHEET of poster board.

6 5. Your subject must come from your textbook. First come first serve!!!!
BUT!!!!! Remember the more details a subject has, the harder it is to recreate in mosaic form….SO… keep it simple or eliminate some detail!!

7 Be Aware! You need to have something to work on each day
You will lose points each day you do not have supplies Poster board, construction paper, glue stick, scissors (PLEASE ADD TO YOUR PAGE) You will be given alternate assignments if you do not bring supplies

8 Writing Assessment This is a description or story based on the picture you have chosen. You will do this on a loose leaf piece of paper. This will be a 4 paragraph writing assignment and needs to take up the entire page. You will paperclip this to your mosaic.

9 Suggested Guidelines 1st paragraph Why did you choose this picture
- Make sure you include some historical points. Ex. This is my favorite World History topic because…Not this is the easiest. 2nd paragraph What is the impact this picture had at the time?

10 Suggested Guidelines 3rd paragraph
Why are we studying this in World History? How does it tie in with a bigger picture? 4th paragraph Does this picture still impact us today? Why or Why not?

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