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Discussion Points for The Giver

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1 Discussion Points for The Giver

2 Sameness Give evidence from the book to talk about how important it is in the society for everyone to be alike Why is “sameness” important in the society? What negative issues might “sameness” cause? What positive reasons could you see for “sameness”?

3 The Receiver Give evidence from the book that explains why the community needed a Receiver. What are some things that a Receiver might help the community to understand? What is the Receiver protecting the community from?

4 The Government Name some things that you feel are necessary for the government to control to make this society function. Why? Name some things that the government controls that you feel they have no right to control.

5 Emotions How does the community try to control emotions or “feelings”? Give evidence from the book. Do you feel that feelings are actually controllable? What are the positive and negative effects of controlled emotions?

6 Options? Why do you think the people in the community stand for the complete control of the government? Give some examples from the book that prove your point. What could some one do if they disagreed with the full control of the government? What actions might they take?

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