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Federalists & Anti-Federalists

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1 Federalists & Anti-Federalists
Would the Constitution get approved or not?

2 Background The constitution took months to write.
Many heated debates took place over those months. Even when the delegates approved the Constitution, not everyone was happy. It would not become law until 9 of the 13 states ratified, or approved it.

3 The two sides Federalists – supported ratifying the Constitution as it was written Anti-Federalists – did not want to ratify the Constitution as it was written.

4 The Anti-Federalists George Mason Patrick Henry Richard Henry Lee
Thomas Jefferson Often farmers, not businessmen Thought the states should keep most of the power.

5 Federalists Alexander Hamilton John Jay James Madison More businessmen

6 Viewpoints Federalists Anti-Federalists Supported the Constitution
We need a strong central government…remember problems with Articles Believed 3 equal branches were necessary Bill of Rights was not necessary because the new gov. didn’t have the power to abuse the people’s rights Anti-Federalists Did not support the Constitution Took too much power from the states Federal gov. too strong Disagreed with the idea that the National government could keep an army in peace time Thought it needed a bill of rights

7 Your Assignment… Create a song, poem, advertisement or other persuasive performance that supports the viewpoint you are siding with. 2 pts…It is very clear which side you are on 6 pts…You express at least 3 reasons for your viewpoint 2 pts… Your performance is persuasive (trying to get others to take your side) and must be handed in even if sung or read 10 points total

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