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You are Vikram, school captain of the football team of G. S. S. S

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1 You are Vikram, school captain of the football team of G. S. S. S
You are Vikram, school captain of the football team of G.S.S.S., Alwar, Rajasthan. Due to some injury you are not able to play for the State Coaching Camp. Send an to your Principal requesting him to give you relaxation from the camp. The address is

2 To CC BCC Relaxation from the camp. Subject Dear Sir Due to some injury I cannot play for the State Coaching Camp Kindly give me relaxation from the camp. Thanking you Yours obediently Vikram

3 You are the Secretary of the Students' Union of your school
You are the Secretary of the Students' Union of your school. You have been informed that the Principal is going to hold a meeting of the Union but you are out of station. Send an to your Principal requesting him to postpone the meeting for four days. The address is

4 To CC BCC Request to postpone the meeting for four days. Subject Dear Sir I am out of station. Kindly post pone union meeting for four. Thanking you Yours obediently Hari Singh Secretoty Student union

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