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The Protestant Reformation

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Presentation on theme: "The Protestant Reformation"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Protestant Reformation

2 Catholic Church Issues
Crusades – clergy become politicians Worldliness - church concerned w/ $$$$$$ Power Struggle (Great Schism) Pope Leo X  authorized sell of indulgences to build church (get-into-heaven-free card)

3 Early Reform Wycliffe & Hus Erasmus: Dutch Priest, Christian Humanist
(remember them?) (Probably not) Criticize popes Translate Bible to English Tyndale follows their work Erasmus: Dutch Priest, Christian Humanist Classical knowledge in Christian studies Spreads ideas to wider public Called for church reform & Bible in vernacular Did not BREAK AWAY from Catholicism

4 Enter Martin Luther

5 Biography of Luther Who was Martin Luther?
What issues did he have with the church? What were the 95 Thesis? How did the church react to Luther? What does Luther mean by his quote on page 3 (that begins with “Unless I am convicted by scripture...) What were other accomplishments of Luther? Why is Martin Luther important to study?

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