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Warm-Up – p. 31 in your NB Review of “God Grew Tired of Us”

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up – p. 31 in your NB Review of “God Grew Tired of Us”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up – p. 31 in your NB 3-2-1 Review of “God Grew Tired of Us”
3: Things you learned from watching the documentary 2: Reasons why it is important for us to watch the documentary 1: Question you still have after watching the documentary

2 Life Lessons from “GGTOU” – p. 32
1. It is never too late to learn 2. There can always be a new beginning in life, never give up 3. Believe in yourself and your potential 4. Hard work leads to opportunities 5. Helping family and friends is important in life

3 Life Lessons… It is important for people to maintain their culture
7. People in North America need to be more friendly with strangers / new immigrants / with each other 8. People need to work and add something to their society in order to feel fulfillment 9. Look out for the less fortunate, think of others, be selfless 10. Give back to your communities

4 Life Lessons 11. Take on leadership opportunities whether they be big or small 12. Don’t take life for granted 13. Don’t judge a person from their appearance 14. Don’t waste resources 15. Never say never

5 Life Lessons 16. Don’t take your family for granted 17. Maintain hope 18. Have patience 19. Money isn’t everything

6 Your Assignment - pp. 33 & 34 - Choose 4 of the “life lessons” presented in “God Grew Tired of Us.” - You will write 1 paragraph (5-8 sentences) for each one you choose. - In each paragraph, you will reflect on the life lesson stated here, how/where you saw it in the documentary, how/where you saw it in AT LEAST ONE other text from this unit, and make AT LEAST ONE connection to the lesson in your life or in the real world. - Finally, you will write one paragraph that explains which lesson you think is the most prevalent/the lesson they are most trying to persuade us of. Make sure you explain WHY this one is the most important, and summarize the ways in which you have been persuaded about this lesson throughout the unit.

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