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Scientific Notation.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Notation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Notation

2 Scientific Notation Video!

3 What is scientific notation?
Way to show really big numbers or really small numbers easily. Examples: 1.5 x 10-2; 5.8 x 104

4 Looking at superscripts…
Why is one superscript negative? Negative for really small numbers Decimal moves to the left Why is one superscript positive? Positive for really big numbers Decimal moves to the right 1.5 x 10-2 5.8 x 104

5 Standard form to Scientific Notation
Put 4,567 meters into scientific notation. Put 9,234,521 into scientific notation. Put into scientific notation. Put into scientific notation.

6 Scientific Notation to Standard Form
Put 4.56 x 106 apples into standard form. Put 8.34 x 108 g into standard form. Put 9.34 x 10-6 mm into standard form. Put x 10-9 pizzas into standard form.

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