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NOTES: Americans Revolt!!

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1 NOTES: Americans Revolt!!

2 Britain Imposes New Regulations on the American Colonists
Why? British victory in French and Indian War results in more territory which means more problems and more costs. Such as? Proclamation of 1763 to halt westward settlement, Quartering Act to support British troops, and taxes (Sugar, Stamp, Townshend, etc.)

3 II. Colonial Resistance
Why? 150 years of “salutary neglect” King’s tyranny (unjust use of government power) “no taxation without representation” How? Boycotts Propaganda (Boston Massacre) committees of correspondence Protests (Boston Tea Party)

4 III. Declaring Independence
Thomas Paine writes Common Sense convincing Americans that peace with Great Britain is not possible Thomas Jefferson and others write the Declaration of Independence Influenced by English philosopher John Locke’s idea of “inalienable rights” (rights that are natural to all and can’t be taken away)

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