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The Executive Branch The Roles of the President

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1 The Executive Branch The Roles of the President
Chapter 9 Section 1 The Executive Branch The Roles of the President

2 The President’s Job Chief Executive – enforces the law
Responsibility to carry out laws and make the final decision about goals and policies for the nation “Executive Orders” – rules or regulations that gov. must follow Commander in Chief – (CINC) Final say about wartime decisions and leader of armed forces Cannot declare war Chief Agenda Setter State of the Union Address Tells Congress/nation what he wants done Domestic Policies

3 The President’s Job Chief of State Foreign-Policy Leader
Performs ceremonial duties (Throwing out first pitch, cutting ribbons for openings of buildings, ect.) Represents the US to the world: visits other nations Foreign-Policy Leader Foreign policy: plans for dealing with other nations Make money through trade Maintain national security (War on Terror/Iraq) Treaties – formal agreements with other countries Ambassadors – official representative to foreign gov.

4 Qualifications and Terms
Native born At least 35 Resident for 14 years Presidential Profile typically – White, male, Christian, highly educated, wealthy In what ways do we see this typical profile being challenged in this upcoming election? 4 year term (22nd Amendment: 2 term limit) FDR: re-elected 4x (WWII)

5 Salary and Benefits $400,000/year and lots of perks (benefits)
George Washington – offered $25,000/year or $566,000 in today’s market. (turned it down) Ex: White House – living and working quarters; Air Force One – private jet; live in medical doctors, cleaners, chef, ect.; Secret Service for life,

6 Presidential Succession
If the president dies, resigns, or is impeached the Vice-President takes over Then Speaker of the House Then President pro-tempore And down the line it goes….

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