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US History.

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1 US History

2 Muckraking Quiz What is a 4? Who or what in question? Name
What happened and how? Action When did it happen? Time Where did it happen? Location Why did it happen? Motivation

3 Example In 1906, Upton Sinclair wrote a book called “The Jungle” which main point was to expose the immigrants working conditions in Chicago meat factories. Unfortunately, the public didn’t care about the working conditions for immigrants, but they paid more attention to the nasty conditions of the meat that was being processed in the factories. He “aimed for the public’s heart, but hit their stomach.” The conditions of meat included tainted meat, unsanitary slaughter, human or animal parts inside the meat, and much more. In result of his book the sales of meat dropped by 50%, Congress made laws protecting food quality, and President Theodore Roosevelt demanded change in society. This is important because the government released 2 laws called the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act, which made it so that meat has to be slaughtered/processed under sanitary conditions and businesses cant sell misbranded or poisonous food and drugs to the people. These laws were released in 1906, the same year as the book was published.

4 Example The Jungle is a book written by Upton Sinclair for he revolutionized America’s meat and working habits. This book was written because Upton investigated a meat factory and learned that the meat would contain diseases and or bacteria since the workers were told to recklessly dropping them, rubbing it in soda for an artificial flavor, and to make sure that it is there. Another thing that Sinclair learned was the workers were constantly being put in danger because of the environment.

5 Example The Jungle was a book that showed images, stories, and facts on what would happen in the factories.

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