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Do Now: Give me 3 things you used to do..

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Give me 3 things you used to do.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Give me 3 things you used to do.

2 L’imparfait Usage Day 1

3 Objective Students will be able to form the imperfect tense of regular and irregular verbs in order to describe a vacation. Students will be able to differentiate between the uses of the imperfect and past tense and explain how to do so.

4 the imperfect/ Passe compose Formation

5 Imperfect formation - find the nous form ONLY IRREGULAR:
Chop of the ons être - ÉT endings: ais ions ais iez ait aient

6 Passé Composé Aux + P.P. (er-é, ir- i, re-u) être avoir suis ai es as
est a sommes avons êtes avez sont ont

7 How do you use it? ( this is new)
The imperfect and the passe compose mean basically the same thing.

8 The imperfect This is used for : Day 1: background information

9 Background information
When you are talking about something that is not the main action happening, you need to use the imperfect. These verbs will always fit this category: être: to be porter: to wear

10 What about weather? Weather expressions will always be imperfect.
What are they? Il pleuvait - it was raining ( this is already in imperfect)

11 More (these are infinitive) :
faire beau: to be beautiful faire du soleil: to be sunny faire orageux: to be stormy avoir froid : to be cold avoir chaud: to be hot faire mauvais : to be bad out

12 More: faire de la grêle : to hail geler: to freeze faire mal: to be bad out neiger: to snow être nuageux : to be cloudy

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