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Economic Systems.

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1 Economic Systems

2 Learning Goals Identify the THREE economic questions.
Differentiate among the main types of economic systems. Describe the economic system of the United States.

3 3 Questions All nations and economies face the basic economic problem.
As a result…all nations and economies are faced with 3 basic economic questions… What to produce? How to produce? What (who’s) needs to produce for?

4 What to Produce??? The resources available to a country will effect what they produce. A country with an abundance of rich farmland is likely to produce agricultural resources. A country with a large population of people is likely to produce human labor.

5 How to Produce??? Economies and nations must decide how to make the most of the resources they have Careful choice of how to produce will increase the efficiency and productivity of an economy

6 What (who’s) needs to produce for?
There will always be an abundance of needs and wants to meet… An economy must decide which ones (and whose) to meet… In the US, this decision is made mostly by who has money and how they choose to spend it.

7 Economic Systems A nation’s plan for answering the 3 questions is called its economic system. The type of system is based on how much the government is involved in decisions

8 Traditional Economies
In some extremely underdeveloped countries, simple economies operate according to tradition or customs Goods and services are produced in the ways established by tradition The economy is centered on meeting people’s basic needs, and rarely advances

9 Command Economy In a command economy, the resources are owned and controlled by the government Government determines: How to produce What it produces How to share goods and services Personal economic freedom is often very limited

10 Market Economy In a market economy, the resources are owned and controlled by the people (consumers) Consumers determine: What to produce How much to produce What to purchase Individuals buying and selling makes economic decisions Consumers cast “dollar votes” with what they buy

11 Economies of the world Take a few minutes to research online for examples of the three economic systems. Then…… …go to our website and click on the globe seen here to post your answers.

12 Mixed Economy All nations and economies combine some elements of command and market systems Each system leans towards one direction or the other… The US leans toward market, but the government still controls some elements like… Examples include?

13 The US Economic System The U.S. operates with a system of Capitalism
Individual owners are free to decide what to buy Individual freedom is a reason the U.S. is also called a free enterprise system In capitalism, people are free to go into business for themselves. This is called: entreprenuership

14 Elements of Capitalism
Capitalism has 4 key principles Private Property: individuals can own, use, or dispose of things of value Freedom of Choice: people can make their own choices and accept the consequences of decisions Profit: the money left from sales after costs of operation have been paid Competition: the rivalry among businesses to sell their goods and services

15 Profit Unless they are a non-profit organization, most businesses operate to make money Businesses invest resources and take risks in hope of making a profit Profit is the heart of capitalism

16 Competition Because of competition, consumers have many choices of products and services Competition benefits consumers by: Constantly improving products Creating new innovations Keeping prices low The absence of competition is a monopoly

17 Wrap Up All economies must answer:
What to produce? How to produce? What (whose) needs to satisfy? An economic system answers these questions The United States has Capitalism as its economic system Because of capitalism, businesses in the US operate to earn a profit

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