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Enthusiasm and Attitude

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Presentation on theme: "Enthusiasm and Attitude"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enthusiasm and Attitude

2 Activate- Hunt for Happiness
Each person in your group is going to name something that makes them happy! Do this whip around 3 times.

3 Apply- Roll the Dice Each participant will take turns rolling the dice two or three times and complete the following statement upon each roll: Roll a 1: I am thankful for… Roll a 2: Other people compliment me on my ability to… Roll a 3: Something I would like other people to know about me is… Roll a 4: I feel really good about myself when…. Roll a 5: I am proud of my ability to… Roll a 6: Something nice I recently did for someone else was…

4 Apply- What’s in a name? With your group please…. Share your full name
Share the story behind your name Share the meaning of your name Share something positive about your name

5 Apply- Searching for the Silver Lining
One person brings up a negative event (losing a job or a basketball tournament) and starts off saying something like, "I've just lost my job and am trying not to panic." The other players provoke the first player to think positively by starting off a phrase, such as, "But now that you’ve lost my job, you'll have more time to--blank." Each member will join in with a positive word or phrase, like "take a walk every morning," or "start the novel I've wanted to write.“ Each player will take a turn being negative- and each player will find the silver lining each round.

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