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It is innovative : It has PPPs

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Presentation on theme: "It is innovative : It has PPPs"— Presentation transcript:

1 • How innovative is this training concept and is anyone else operating in this space?
It is innovative : It has PPPs.. It takes all value chain actors onboard, product concept and promotion, It attracts more investment in agriculture. Who else? Private MultiNational Companies

2 •What are the skills needed and what should the training content cover and not include? (e.g. datasheets, making a pitch for investment, communication skills, advocacy etc) Product Description Skills (from consumers viewpoint: detail) Business Case Development Skilss Social Skills Market Research Skills Multidisplinary interaction skills Communication skills Advocacy Skills Data Management Skills Policy Engagement Skills

3 • What should be the priority 6 crops?
Criteria: Food Security, Nutrition Security, Industrial, Export, Climate Resilience, Income, Indigenous Crops, Knowledge of the crop, Multipurpose Maize Soya Beans Common Beans Chickpea Cassava Ahmarand

4 • What are the critical components of excellent variety promotion datasheets and materials?
Simple & Inclusive Agro-Ecology Market Nutrition Agronomic Traits Photograph/Picture

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