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Evaluation 2-4 Kajitani Mao 2-4 Takasaki Nana Fujino Erina

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluation 2-4 Kajitani Mao 2-4 Takasaki Nana Fujino Erina"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluation 2-4 Kajitani Mao 2-4 Takasaki Nana 2-4 30 Fujino Erina
Watanabe Kako

2 Making Decisions Ex) There are apples and candies. Which one will children’s mother pick? or Because it is more health choice.

3 Identifying Values Ex) When you find money, what do you do with it? Match the adjectives to the decision. Return to person or donate. ⇒Good 2. keep money and buy something. ⇒Bad

4 Identifying the mood of a story
Ex) Cinderella What kind of setting? ⇒poor girl become princess

5 ⇒ sad What feelings and moods? Cinderella got married with her prince.
Cinderella was being bullied by her sisters. ⇒ sad Cinderella got married with her prince. ⇒joyful

6 Thank you for listening!

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