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27. Index notation and surds

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1 27. Index notation and surds

2 Index Notation this work has been studied in unit 9 and 20
learning objectives: find the value of calculations using indices (1.5, 25.1, 25.3) use index laws to simplify and calculate numerical expressions involving powers, eg (2³x2⁵)÷2⁴, 4⁰, 𝟖 −𝟐 𝟑 (1.5, 25.1, 25.3) know that, x³ = 64 => x = 𝟖 𝟐 𝟑 (25.3) rationalise the denominator and write eg (√ ) ÷ √2 in the form p + √q (25.4) use calculators to explore exponential growth and decay (21.4) write √8 in the form2√2 (25.4) simplify expressions using index laws (2.4) use index laws to write expressions for integer, negative, and fractional powers and powers of a power (1.5, 25.1, 25.3) Reference Material 10 Ticks: MEP:

3 Your turn

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