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Topic: Rating the Diversity of the Middle Colonies.

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Presentation on theme: "Topic: Rating the Diversity of the Middle Colonies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic: Rating the Diversity of the Middle Colonies.

2 Dutch find New Amsterdam
1600: Dutch become major economic and naval power Explorers in the New World Owned by Dutch West India Company: Patroonships Port towns Several ethnicities No freedom or religious toleration “Aristocratic” features Peter Stuyvesant

3 “New York” Dutch fighting Swedes, New England, Indians
1662: British seize NY East coast under British rule Dutch landowners remained strong under British rule Dutch cultural contributions

4 Pennsylvania: Penn’s Woodland
Quaker “dissent” William Penn A haven for Quakers and others “best advertised” Numerous ethnic groups “Liberalism” Native Policy Quakers spread into New Jersey, Delaware also

5 Conclusion 1) Why were the Middle Colonies so ethnically diverse?
2) Some state that the Middle Colonies set “the pattern” for US development. Do you agree? Explain

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