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Leading Australian Curriculum: Science Day 4. Australian Curriculum PURPOSE Curriculum leaders develop capacity to lead change and support schools and.

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Presentation on theme: "Leading Australian Curriculum: Science Day 4. Australian Curriculum PURPOSE Curriculum leaders develop capacity to lead change and support schools and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading Australian Curriculum: Science Day 4

2 Australian Curriculum PURPOSE Curriculum leaders develop capacity to lead change and support schools and network of schools with the implementation of Australian Curriculum: Science Teachers improve their confidence with teaching science content of the Australian Curriculum Day 4: Achievement Standards & Moderation, Earth and Space Science, Presentations of focus areas and school progress

3 Australian Curriculum A-E GRADES A Excellent The student demonstrates achievement that has greatly exceeded the expected standard. Their achievement is well beyond what is expected at this year level. B Good The student demonstrates achievement that exceeds the expected standard. C Satisfactory The student demonstrates achievement at the expected standard. The student is able to progress to the next level of learning. D Limited The student demonstrates achievement below the expected standard. The student demonstrates a quality of learning that is adequate for progression but will still need additional support or assistance to progress. E Very Low The student demonstrates achievement

4 Australian Curriculum MODERATION ACTIVITY Process Groups of 3 in year groups Describe the context of the task and share 3 work samples Discuss any rubrics or marking key developed Identify key features of below, at and above achievement standard Annotate samples Consensus of group Feedback for student – identify teaching points

5 Australian Curriculum MORNING TEA

6 Australian Curriculum EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE Key ideas include: Systems in space Changes to Earth 5 Why Strategy Why should Earth and Space Science be taught in primary school?

7 Australian Curriculum EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE Brainstorm Investigative ideas In year groups brainstorm ideas that can be investigated for Earth and Space Science Write 5 investigative questions to address these ideas Stray and Stay One group member stays to explain the ideas, while the rest of the group looks at all other groups ideas

8 Australian Curriculum PRESENTATIONS 11:50-12:00Group 1 12:05-12:15Group 2 12:20-12:30Group 3

9 Australian Curriculum LUNCH

10 Australian Curriculum PRESENTATIONS 1:00-1:10Group 4 1:15-1:25Group 5 1:30-1:40Group 6 1:45-1:55Group 7 2:00-2:10Group 8 2:15-2:25Group 9 2:30-2:40Group 10 2:45-2:55Group 11

11 Australian Curriculum REFLECTION In groups discuss: What do you think are the really important elements that need to be included in future professional learning for teachers in science? In your journal write: In my role as curriculum leader what three things do I need to do to support the implementation of Science. Call out ideas Feedback – complete evaluation/feedback sheet

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