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Migration L/O: All: To describe what migration is with examples (D/E Grade) Most: To explain the reasons why people migrate.(B/C Grade) Some: To analyse.

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Presentation on theme: "Migration L/O: All: To describe what migration is with examples (D/E Grade) Most: To explain the reasons why people migrate.(B/C Grade) Some: To analyse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Migration L/O: All: To describe what migration is with examples (D/E Grade) Most: To explain the reasons why people migrate.(B/C Grade) Some: To analyse how migration affects population change. (A Grade) To Start: Answer these questions: WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHY? Keywords: Migration, Source country, migrant, host country, push factors, pull factors, Voluntary, forced, temporary, permanent

2 Migration Migration is the movement of people from one place to another. The movement may be just around a corner to a better house. How many of you have ever moved house? It may be from one part of the country to another in search of a job. Start with question – how many of have ever moved house? Technically most people in this room have migrated at some stage or another!

3 When someone migrates (travels) each day to and from work and home
Discuss in your group and then match-up and complete these sentences in your book… Migration is … A commuter is… International migration is… A refugee is… Rural to urban migration is… When someone migrates (travels) each day to and from work and home When people move abroad to live When people move from one place to another The movement of people from the countryside into the city to live Someone who has been forced to move because of war or their home has been destroyed

4 Push Factors: that can force people to leave their own country
Why do people migrate? Push Factors: that can force people to leave their own country Pull Factors: that can attract people to a new country Discuss as a class why people migrate, teacher can write in boxes if they wish.

5 Push Factors: that can force people to leave their own country
Task 1: Copy these push and pull factors into your book Rank the factors in order of importance (1 being the most important) and then Ext: explain why you think that. Push Factors: that can force people to leave their own country - Natural Disasters Low wages Poor educational opportunities Poor healthcare War with another country Civil war and lawlessness Drought and famine Pull Factors: that can attract people to a new country - Hope of finding a job Higher wages than at home Better healthcare Chance of a better education A better standard of living Family and friends may have moved there already Lower level of crime, and safety from conflict.

6 Global Migration Map



9 Global Migration Let’s look at the numbers of migrants for a few countries USA UK Brazil India

10 People move (migrate) for positive (pull) & negative (push) reasons.
Class Migration People move (migrate) for positive (pull) & negative (push) reasons.

11 In this task you will be shown a number of slides with different push and pull scenarios on them.
You need to read the scenarios and decide what you would do – Will you move? Will you stay put? Where will you move to? Teacher uses this activity as a way to question students and get them to explain the push and pull factors of each scenario. You need to be prepared to give reasons for your decisions.

12 High mountains Dense forest Coal is discovered Fertile farmland & Flatland for settlement Desert River Coal is discovered Industry Started Coal is discovered

13 High mountains Dense forest Town grows bigger Fertile farmland And flatland For settlement Desert River Coal mine develops Industry Grows & Jobs & Economy Develop Iron Ore Discovered

14 Trees cut down for fertile farmland and New settlement created
High mountains Trees cut down for fertile farmland and New settlement created Town grows bigger More jobs created Farmland nutrients running out Desert River Coal mine grows Industry goes into Decline – some jobs are lost. Iron Ore Running Out

15 University established in town
High mountains Crops and livestock successfully farmed University established in town Modern farming Introduced - Farmland becomes fertile again. Desert River floods Coal begins to run out Industry moves away from area – high unemployment Iron ore mine closes

16 Soil erosion due to deforestation Town grows bigger
High mountains Soil erosion due to deforestation Town grows bigger Machines mean fewer workers are required to work on farms. Desert River Coal begins to run out Shops, schools, leisure Activities shut down. No jobs

17 Area flooded for hydroelectric power scheme
High mountains Area flooded for hydroelectric power scheme More jobs and opportunities Some land used for Settlement – rest Of land still for Farming. Oil is discovered in desert River floods again Finish with this question to discuss before they write the answer in books: How can migration effect population? Coal runs out Area developed by government – jobs created, new housing built & Leisure opportunities created. No jobs

Plenary: Answer this question: How does the media influence our view of immigrants?

19 Lets look at the L/Os to see how well you did.
Celebrate! Lets look at the L/Os to see how well you did. Can you? All: To describe what migration is with examples (D/E Grade) Most: To explain the reasons why people migrate.(B/C Grade) Some: To analyse how migration affects population change. (A Grade) Write a comment under today's work to say: What level you reached. What went well Why What could be improved.

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