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AP Flashcards: Words that Describe Language

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1 AP Flashcards: Words that Describe Language
(AP Lang Summer Work) Summer 2009 List #2

2 archaic

3 language that is outdated, no longer commonly used

4 bombastic

5 language that sounds arrogant, like you’re trying to impress someone

6 colloquial

7 language that is ordinary and familiar; everyday language

8 cultured

9 educated, polished, refined, sophisticated language

10 detached

11 language that is unemotional, distant

12 esoteric

13 language that has hidden meanings; private, secret, confidential

14 euphemistic

15 language that is used to politely talk about something that is usually really offensive

16 homespun

17 language that is plain, unsophisticated; the way an “Average Joe” would speak

18 idiomatic

19 using many idioms, which are sort of unusual expressions or sayings in a particular language (like “It’s raining cats and dogs”)

20 insipid

21 language that is dull and uninteresting

22 jargon

23 language that comes from a specialized field that people within that field are familiar with (computers, sports, business)

24 learned

25 sophisticated, academic language

26 moralistic

27 language that tries to teach morals or right/wrong; writing that preaches a sort of message about life

28 obscure

29 language that has hidden meanings that are difficult to understand

30 obtuse

31 language that lacks intelligence or significant meaning; dull writing

32 pedantic

33 language that is overly concerned with little details and sounding really academic; language in which a person trying to show off how s/he is by using “big words”

34 pretentious

35 writing that exaggerates how smart a person is; when a person is trying to sound superior and brilliant

36 sensuous

37 writing that appeals to the senses, especially writing that creates a sexual or seductive mood/tone

38 trite

39 language that is worn out, full of cliches; language that doesn’t really say anything important

40 vulgar

41 language that is offensive

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