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74 Sponsors and Contributors

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2 74 Sponsors and Contributors
& 30 Exhibitors



5 2350 participants from 72 countries



8 1348 Abstracts From 84 Countries

9 Programme 4 Satellite Symposia 4 Plenary Sessions
61 Supported Parallel Sessions

10 ACCOLADES Dr. Marie-Agnes Dragon-Durey, France
"It was really fantastic and I appreciate everything : the plenary sessions and the satellite symposia and of course the place! The organization was remarkable and the scientific program of very high quality” Prof. Pierre Youinou, France "What you have done is exceptional” Dr. Luc Mouthon, France "Again congratulations for the wonderful congress organized in Granada. That was a success.“ Dr. Cristina Belizna, France "Thank you for this marevellous and extremely interesting Congress! Dr. Sylviane Muller, France “It was a great meeting with a very good spirit, fruitful exchanges and a wonderful organization, as always. My three young collaborators were also very happy to have the chance to present their own data to such an audience.  A great time.” Dr. Gisele Zandman-Goddard, Israel “The conference was superb. It was of the highest quality integrating basic science with clinical studies.” Chella S. David, PhD, USA “Thank you for inviting me to the Granada meeting. It was one of the best. The place was breathtaking, the Science was exhilarating, the company was superb and social events were out of this world.”


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