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2 RED Discussion on SP:s CoIE will make application oriented input
Careful to modify today structure Long term understandability is important Application domains and technology domain 4 technology subprograms and 4 application subprograms’ How to map ASP to SRA? Artemisia lack company representation in several areas e.g. Healthcare? ARTEMIS Industry Associaition Title Presentation -

3 RED What are the added value of Artemis in competition with other people handling healthcare Should healthcare be taken away Ambient assistive living - Automation should appear in SP4 - Manufacturing, automation and logistics Energy should appear somewhere - SP7 in some way Where is green car?? Energy related embedded system ARTEMIS Industry Associaition Title Presentation -

4 RED Is vertical or horizontal closer to the market Who is the customer
Are the end users part of Artemis or consortia Naming of SP:s are they understandable and clear Leave “Embedded system for ... “out “Environment” should go into SP7 name ARTEMIS Industry Associaition Title Presentation -

5 RED SP1 Open to a wide number of application, today only automotive and aerospace Remove “relevant” SP2 Embedded system for Health SP3 Smart environments <-> Internet of things?? Extend description to automative, energy grids, infrastructures, .... ES for? Smart environments SP4 Manufacturing, automation and logistics SP5 Computing platforms for embedded systems SP6 Security and critical infrastructure protection infrastructure should be defined in the description SP7 Please add energy here SP8 Human centric design of embedded system NEw ES for operation and maintenance ARTEMIS Industry Associaition Title Presentation -

6 Thank you for your attention

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