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The First Derivative Test. Using first derivative

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1 The First Derivative Test. Using first derivative
in graphing 4.3 Rita Korsunsky

2 p f (p) q f (q) f ’ is positive
A function f is increasing on an interval I if f (p) < f (q) for all p and q in I with p < q f ’ is positive

3 p f (p) q f (q) f ’ is negative
A function f is decreasing on an interval I if f (p) > f (q) for all p and q in I with p < q f ’ is negative

4 Examine the following graph:
f ’(x) = 0, critical point When f (x) is decreasing f ’(x) is negative, When f (x) is increasing f ’(x) is positive,

5 _ + + Let Example 1: g(x) increases on: (–, –1] U [3 , ) -1 3
a) Find the intervals on which g is increasing and decreasing. _ + + g(x) increases on: (–, –1] U [3 , ) -1 3 g(x) decreases on [–1 , 3] ( -1, 27 ) -1 3 b) Sketch this graph decreasing increasing (3, -5) increasing

6 The first-derivative test
Let f be continuous at c and differentiable on the open interval containing c except possibly at c itself C Local min C Local max For Example: f ’(x) < 0 C f ’(x) > 0 or No local extremum No local extremum

7 The critical numbers are x=0 and x=3
Example 2 3 min The critical numbers are x=0 and x=3 3 (0 , 12) (3 , – 15)

8 Find the local extrema of f and the intervals on which f is increasing or is decreasing, and sketch the graph of f. _ min max 7 + Test f’(x): f’(x) (0 , 2) (7 , 2) Critical numbers:

9 That’s all folks!

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