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Hoover’s Response Fails

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1 Hoover’s Response Fails

2 How did Hoover Respond to the Great Depression?
He initially had no response hoping that the “hands off” approach would work  the economy would correct itself Asked businesses and industries to maintain levels of employment and wages Asked state and local governments to provide more jobs and relief  localism Supported “rugged individualism”  the American people should improve their situation through their own effort without gov’t support

3 Urged Congress to create the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) to give government loans to business, industry, and banks to keep the economy going  trickle- down economics He did succeed in one project that brought much-needed employment to the Southwest  Hoover Dam

4 How did Americans Respond to Hoover’s Failures?
Some Americans lost faith in America’s capitalism and pushed for socialism WWI vets were promised a $ bonus for their service to be paid in 1945  wanted the $ early due to the depression Thousands of veterans went to D.C. to protest  Bonus Army Hoover sent Gen. Douglas MacArthur to remove the veterans by force This further damaged Hoover’s approval among the American public

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