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English I Honors Vocabulary 10.

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Presentation on theme: "English I Honors Vocabulary 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 English I Honors Vocabulary 10

2 Adept (adj.) thoroughly skilled

3 Aspire (v.) to have ambitious hopes or plans

4 Bleak (adj.) bare, dreary, dismal

5 Chide (v.) to blame; scold

6 Despicable (adj.) worthy of scorn

7 Diminutive (adj.) small, smaller than most others of the same type

8 Emancipate (v.) to free from slavery; to release or liberate

9 Erroneous (adj.) incorrect, containing mistakes

10 Exploit (v.) to make use of, develop

11 Extemporaneous (adj.) made or delivered on the spur of the moment

12 Impair (v.) to make imperfect, damage

13 Invincible (adj.) not able to be defeated

14 Languid (adj.) drooping; without energy

15 Mire (n.) mud; wet, swampy ground

16 Obtrusive (adj.) forward; undesirably prominent

17 Preamble (n.) an introduction to a speech or piece of writing

18 Render (v.) to cause to perform; to deliver officially

19 Rugged (adj.) rough, irregular, severe

20 Skeptical (adj.) inclined to doubt

21 Slipshod (adj.) untidy in dress, personal habits, etc.

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