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Wearables to Monitor Astronaut Health and Performance

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2 Wearables to Monitor Astronaut Health and Performance
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 | 8:30am Wearables to Monitor Astronaut Health and Performance Sponsored by:

3 Jocelyn Dunn, Ph.D. Human Performance Engineer
KBRwyle, NASA Johnson Space Center Supporting the Human Physiology, Performance, Protection, and Operations (H-3PO) Laboratory EVA Simulations Physical workload: OxyCon (metabolic rate), Equivital (temperature, acceleration, heart rate) Cognitive workload: fNIRS, EEG, eye-tracking EVA Physiology Potential for wearables for Doppler ultrasound measurement to monitor for nitrogen bubbles / decompression sickness Background: Standard atmosphere is 14.7 psi (78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, argon, and CO2) Spacesuits use 100% oxygen at 4.3 psi Exploration atmosphere, currently validating in chamber studies: 34% Oxygen, 66% Nitrogen, 8.2 psi Pre-breathe with pure oxygen to remove nitrogen from bodily fluids and tissues To prevent gas bubbles when pressure is reduced, aka "the bends“


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