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1 IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet
Teacher’s Name: Nick Limberis GLEs and Standards Covered: SI-H-A2, SE-H-A6, LS-H-D1 Task Overview Learning Objective(s) Suggested Technology School will share paddlefish results with other NFC School across the state. Students will share results of raising paddle fish with other classes around the state and give feedback to other schools Google slides Using the Plato Discussion Board, students will suggest and make changes to the aquaponics lab; Students will explain the 5 parts of the nitrogen cycle Plato Discussion board Students will create “Nitrogen Cycle” a power point Students will collect nitrate data from aquaponic lab investigation Students will graph nitrate data from Google sheets Google Search Powerpoint Selected students will chart, in Google sheets, nitrate levels in aquaponics lab. Then all students will graph the nitrate levels. The graphs will be used to make decisions about system base on the information. Google Sheets REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.. Teacher’s name/ Nick School: LCBA Louisiana State Standard: SI-H-A2, SE-H-A6, LS-H-D1 AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.

2 Graphing Nitrate Levels in the Aquaponics Lab
Selected students will chart, in google sheets, nitrate levels in aquaponics lab. Then all students will graph the nitrate levels. The graphs will be used to make decisions about system base on the information. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement Students preforming the nitrate investigations will go to teachers Google sheet and enter information. Students will include date and nitrate levels from their investigation. All students will use the Nitrate Data-Aquaponics lab to make a line graph. The Graph will include, Title, labels(nitrate levels and Date), a line graph, Graphs can be hand made or on a spread sheet. Once graphs are complete, students will discuss changes that should be made to aquaponics laboratory This task uses: Google Sheets Learning Objective(s): Students will collect nitrate data from aquaponic lab investigation Students will graph nitrate data from google sheets TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/ School: LCBA Louisiana State Standard: SI-H-A2, SE-H-A6, LS-H-D1 Grade Level/Subject: Environmental Science 9 -12 Special Directions/Considerations: Activity Evaluation: Prerequisites for students:

3 Nitrogen Cycle Power Point
A Nitrogen Cycle Power Point Students will create “Nitrogen Cycle” a power point AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. Using google search, students will research the nitrogen cycle. Students will create a PowerPoint on the nitrogen cycle. Each slide will 6 slides - a title slide and a cycle slides. Each cycle slide will include 1. the title of the cycle step, 2. explanation of the step and a 3. picture of the step. This task uses: Google Search Powerpoint Learning Objective(s): Students will explain the 5 parts of the nitrogen cycle TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/ School: LCBA Louisiana State Standard: SE-H-A6, LS-H-D1 Grade Level/Subject: Environmental Science Special Directions/Considerations: Activity Evaluation: Prerequisites for students:

4 Making Decisions Using Data
Using the Plato Discussion Board, students will suggest and make changes to the aquaponics lab MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign. Students look at nitrate data from google sheets. Students will go to the Plato and do to the “What to do with the nitrates in the Lab?” Each student will be required to enter on original comment and reply to two other students comments. This task uses: Plato Discussion Board Learning Objective(s): List which objectives the student will meet upon completion of the task. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/ School: LCBA Louisiana State Standard: SE-H-A6, LS-H-D1 Grade Level/Subject: Environmental Science 9-12 Special Directions/Considerations: If Plato Discussion board is not available and the teacher has access to Blackboard, Blackboard discussion board could be used. Activity Evaluation: Prerequisites for students:

5 Raising and Sharing Paddlefish Across the State
School will share paddlefish results with other NFC School across the state. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. Students will collect pictures and growth results of the paddle fish during rearing period and turn them in to their science teacher. The schools science teacher will insert the information in the shared google doc. Each school will have three Slides, a picture slide - “A”, a data slide “B”, and a comment slide “C” Locate a blank set of Slides A, B & C, Please do not write over other school slides. For Slide A, enter your School Name and  a picture of your tank set up. For Slide B, enter your School Name and a pictures the number of paddlefish that survived to release size. For Slide C, enter your School Name and leave the comments section blank for other schools  to make comments Please write comments in 2 other schools comment section. This task uses: Learning Objective(s): Students will share results of raising paddle fish with other classes around the state and give feedback to other schools TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/ School: LCBA Louisiana State Standard: SE-H-A10 Grade Level/Subject: Environmental Science 9-12 Special Directions/Considerations: Activity Evaluation: Prerequisites for students: Google Slides, digital camera, paddle fish growth results

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