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From Miss Ida's Porch.

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1 From Miss Ida's Porch

2 attitude Definition: Sentence:
(at’ • ǝ • tōōd’) n. a way of acting, thinking, or feeling The young boy was kicked out of the class for his bad attitude. Definition: Sentence:

3 claim Definition: Sentence: (klām) v. to declare as one’s own
I looked through the lost and found to claim what was mine. Definition: Sentence:

4 magnificent Definition: Sentence:
(mag • ni’ • fǝ • sǝnt) adj. outstanding; excellent The student received an “A” for doing a magnificent job on her presentation. Definition: Sentence:

5 spellbound Definition: Sentence:
(spel’ • bound) adj. fascinated; filled with delight or wonder I was spellbound by the acrobats flying through the air. Definition: Sentence:

6 civilizations Definition: Sentence:
(si’ • vǝ • lǝ • zā’ • shǝnz) n. plural of civilization: an advanced human society in which agriculture, trade, government, art, and science are highly developed. Evidence of Egyptian civilizations were found in the great pyramids. Definition: Sentence:

7 section Definition: Sentence: (sek’ • shǝn) n. a part of an area
We stood in the back section of the venue for the concert. Definition: Sentence:

8 concert Definition: Sentence: (kon’ • sûrt) n. a musical performance
The orchestra prepared for their concert in the Spring. Definition: Sentence:

9 finest Definition: Sentence: (fī’ • nǝst) adj. best; most excellent
The king had only the finest things in his palace. Definition: Sentence:

10 forbidden Definition: Sentence: (fǝr • bi’ • dǝn) adj. off-limits
The troublemakers entered the forbidden forest without permission. Definition: Sentence:

11 trolley Definition: Sentence:
(trol’ • ē) n. a streetcar that runs on tracks and gets its power from an electric wire overhead We took the trolley around downtown so that we wouldn’t have to worry about parking. Definition: Sentence:

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